The range of options in Andalusian capital is quite wide. Traditional establishments alternate with new stores and malls where you can buy from a towel or fashionable clothes, to very expensive jewelry, pottery and whatever you might want. (more…)
Entertainment in Seville
Sevilla is one of the oldest cities in Spain and throghout its history Sevilla has had several cultural influences and life styles. Now, in the XXI century, Sevilla is a cosmopolitan city with modern infrastructure and tons of high quality entertainment choices.
Seville Weather
Located in the southern region of Andalusia and five meters height above sea level, Seville enjoys sunny days and warm nights, becoming a great option for tourists all around the world. Its Mediterranean climate has a significant oceanic influence. Given its proximity to the Atlantic and the direction of the prevailing winds, the temperature can be defined as warm. (more…)
Top 20 Seville Restaurants
Seville not only has a “special colour”, but also a great flavour. Proof of this are numerous restaurants located in the capital city of Andalusia. The list below contains the top 20 restaurants in Seville, recommended by users of several review websites and sorted by the average price per diner: (more…)